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Active Shooter Response: Ballistic Trauma Care


Last Sunday of the Month


Become STOP THE BLEED® certified

What comes after Run/Hide/Fight? Help.

Most people don’t know that most active shooter victims don’t die immediately from gunshot wounds; they bleed to death waiting for help to arrive. One of the most effective things you can do to prepare for such an event is to get well acquainted with ballistic trauma care.

In this seminar, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively. Although we will be focused on ballistic trauma, the takeaways from the course can be used in any bleeding. emergency. Take the course and become empowered to make a life-or-death difference during a bleeding emergency.

This course will focus on 3 major areas:

  • Proper Tourniquet Use

  • Wound Packing

  • Using Chest Seals

In addition, you will learn:

  • Basic Triage and decision-making

  • How to apply pressure dressings

  • How to build or buy your own Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)


No experience is necessary.

Attire: Normal workout wear

Cost: $75

Other Details:

You will train indoors
No other equipment or experience is necessary.

Your Instructor:

STOP THE BLEED® Certified instructor, Jesse Walker, will introduce strategies, concepts, and techniques to most effectively stop bleeding caused by ballistic trauma in the event of an active shooter situation.